Support Plantis’ Journey To Parenthood
Support Plantis’ Journey To Parenthood
Fundraiser Goal -
Funds Raised -
Days to go
Planties Simon is organizing this fundraiser.
Campaign Story
My name is Plantis Simon, and I have low ovarian reserve. Medically, this means the odds are stacked against me to have a baby naturally on my own. Luckily for me, I am a fighter with strong faith. Before I came into the world, my spirit was fighting for existence. You see, my mother was told that she was sterile at 19 years old and would NEVER have children. She was then told at 29 years old that she had a floating tumor by several doctors. They deemed the flutters in her abdomen to be consistent with a tumor diagnosis. Much to her and my father’s surprise, a visit to an out-of-state doctor determined that my mother was FIVE MONTHS pregnant with me. I wasn’t a tumor or cancer, but a real-life miracle my mom would often tell me. My mother who has since passed away, used to encourage me to trust my instincts, and to never underestimate what God can do in my life. She’d say when things look bleak, pray harder and stay positive. Just a little faith can move mountains. I am in a tough spot right now, but I am drawing on my mother’s wisdom and hoping for the best. I have created this fundraiser because I need tons of support to get through this IVF process. I believe that prayers and faith can produce medical miracles. But, prayers alone will not pay for very expensive IVF cycles and medications not covered by medical insurance. I’ve posted a picture of myself at 5 years old because it was one of my mother’s favorite pictures of me, her “miracle baby.” As I take on the challenges of IVF, I am praying for a miracle baby of my own. I know the same God that saw a way for me to exist will make a way for my son or daughter to come to be. Please help make my dream of becoming a mother come true by donating whatever you can to my fundraiser. Thank you in advance for your support.
I Appreciate You❤️.
I want to thank everyone who has been touched by my story and who made a donation. I am sincerely grateful for your thoughtfulness and concern.
Name | Donation | Date |
Nicole Stokes | $25.00 | December 02, 2022 |
Glendaye Quinn | $100.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Yvette Roberts | $30.00 | November 09, 2022 |
Regina McDonald-Karam | $100.00 | November 06, 2022 |
Brian Sears | $100.00 | November 03, 2022 |
Kathleen Ronk | $25.00 | November 03, 2022 |
Nathalie Gustave | $100.00 | November 02, 2022 |
Jennifer Brantigan | $100.00 | November 01, 2022 |
Marlo Fordham | $100.00 | November 01, 2022 |
L. Lawrence | $100.00 | October 31, 2022 |

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Planties Simon is organizing this fundraiser.